4 Facts to Know About HOA Meetings in Delaware

4 Facts to Know About HOA Meetings in Delaware

No HOA can be effective without efficient HOA meetings. They're the backbone of any community and require a focused hand to bring good to the area.

Are you struggling to get your meetings under control? Do you struggle with productivity?

We can help you. Keep reading to learn about the top factors you should learn to make your HOA a huge success!

1. Types of HOA Meetings

Did you know that there are many different kinds of meetings HOAs need to host? Knowing the different types will make organization easier. It'll also help keep members focused on the task at hand since everyone knows what they're getting into from the beginning.

The types of meetings include:

  • Open meetings (everyone's invited to voice opinions and concerns)
  • Closed meetings (limited to HOA board members and officers)
  • Emergency meetings (deal with sudden issues that need prompt solutions)
  • Committee meetings (discuss committee-focused projects)
  • Annual meetings (once-a-year overview of upcoming tasks, elections, and budget)

Whenever you begin planning for a meeting, make sure to categorize it into one of these types. It'll simplify the rest of the process.

2. Strict Agendas

Once your HOA board of directors sets an agenda for a meeting, it's vital to stick to that agenda. Allowing tangents to go unheeded will only result in lower productivity and off-topic discussions soon take over. Letting it slide once will set the precedent that it's okay to veer off course.

This is why the meeting needs a strict agenda that everyone knows about beforehand. Make sure every attendee knows that off-topic items won't be allowed and that any new concerns will be tabled until a future meeting. This keeps you productive while letting members know that their concerns will have a solution soon enough.

3. Proper Notice

A key step for HOA policies is to give the appropriate members an early indication of the next meeting date. The more warning you give, the better the results. It doesn't matter how much you raise the value of the area if no one feels seen by their HOA.

It's often an effective tactic to give several weeks of notice. Some HOAs find it best to even give a full month of notice ahead of time.

Experiment until you find the right balance for your HOA!

4. Attendance

Getting homeowners to attend meetings can be a struggle. Try offering incentives and goodies to entice people to come to every open meeting.

It's also a good idea to become friends with the regular attendees. This way, they'll feel a stronger connection to the HOA board and its goals. Keep in mind that you'll need to maintain a balance between friendly demeanor and leadership neutrality.

Get Help Running Your HOA Meetings

It's not an easy undertaking to run HOA meetings effectively. That's why many HOA boards turn to management companies for assistance in their quest for success.

PMI First State has built a keen sense of detail over years of experience, with a strong focus on helping HOAs find their true potential. Check out our services to get your HOA the guidance it deserves to thrive!
